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本周技术关注[面向webapps运维]:web.config文件详解 - lg_lin的专栏



  • web.config文件详解 - lg_lin的专栏 #
    Web.Config是以XML文件规范存储,配置文件分为以下格式1.配置节处理程序声明特点: 位于配置文件的顶部,包含在<configsections></configsections>标志中。2.特定应用程序配置特点: 位于<appsetting></appsetting>中。 可以定义应用程序的全局常量设置等信息.3.配置节设置特点: 位于<system.web></system.web>节中,控制Asp.net运行时的行为.4.配置节组特点: 用<sectiongroup></sectiongroup>标记,可以自定义分组,可以放到<configsections></configsections>内部或其它<sectiongroup></sectiongroup>标记的内部.
  • 多台sql server 服务器之间数据的同步(转载) - msjqd的专栏 #
    利用数据库复制技术 实现数据同步更新
  • 博客园 - dudu - 为什么应用程序池总是崩溃(Crash) #
    Blog应用程序引起的IIS 6应用程序池崩溃。



  • MySQL数据库备份(转) - 键步随风 #
  • NAT的完全分析及其UDP穿透的完全解决方案 - 浮世草子的小破屋 #
    三:NAT对session的处理以下分析NAPT是依据什么策略来判断是否要为一个请求发出的UDP数据包建立Session的.主要有一下几个策略: A. 源地址(内网IP地址)不同,忽略其它因素, 在NAPT上肯定对应不同的SessionB. 源地址(内网IP地址)相同,源端口不同,忽略其它的因素,则在NAPT上也肯定对应不同的SessionC. 源地址(内网IP地址)相同,源端口相同,目的地址(公网IP地址)相同,目的端口不同,则在NAPT上肯定对应同一个SessionD. 源地址(内网IP地址)相同,源端口相同,目的地址(公网IP地址)不同,忽略目的端口,则在NAPT上是如何处理Session的呢?A,B,C三种情况的都是比较简单的,可以很容易的实现.而D的情况就比较复杂了.所以D情况才是我们要重点关心和讨论的问题。
  • Linux必学的60个命令:网络操作命令 - cn_kk的专栏 #
  • 触发器创建后门 - bopsam_03的专栏 #
  • 清华校长送毕业生的五句话 - 苦丁茶的Blog #
  • 外包项目中源码的价值——CSDN外包实践(7) - 袁德俊的专栏 #
    redmoon 说: 需要源代码,一定要么?一般公司都是不提供的,必竟源代码是公司核心竞争力的所在(德俊)... 说: 这是外包,必须要! CSDN要让100万用户放心,并向他们承诺DLL是安全的.这个你能做到吗? 所以必须要源码!
  • 征服英语的33条军规 - 张国忠@blog.csdn.net #
    You cannot improve the past but you can improve the future! When time is wasted, life is wasted!你不能改变过去,但你可让未来变得更好!浪费了时间,就浪费了生命! 脱口而出下面的方法,创造伟大奇迹!成为众人仰慕的英语学习专家!
  • Facilitating Complex Web Queries through Visual User Interfaces and Query Relaxation #
    Facilitating complex Web queries through visual user interfaces and query relaxation
  • Slashdot | OpenBSD 3.9 Released #
    Posted by Hemos on Monday May 01, @07:56AMfrom the free-willy dept. An anonymous reader writes 'OpenBSD 3.9 was released this morning and is now available for download from the OpenBSD mirror sites. Among the new features is integrated framework for monitoring hardware sensors, a BSD licensed driver for nvidia nforce ethernet, and loads of new drivers and bug fixes. Of course you can still purchase the CD-ROM set which includes support for five platforms: i386, amd64, macppc, sparc, sparc64, and also includes the complete blob free source tree and prebuilt packages for many architectures. As always your contributions help to continue the devlopment of this great opeating system.'
  • Slashdot | 2.6 Linux Kernel in Need of an Overhaul? #
    toadlife writes 'ZDNet UK reports that Andrew Morton, the head maintainer of the Linux production kernel, is concerned about the amount of bugs in the 2.6 kernel. He is considering the possibility of dedicating an entire release cycle to fixing long standing bugs.' From the article: 'One problem is that few developers are motivated to work on bugs, according to Morton. This is particularly a problem for bugs that affect old computers or peripherals, as kernel developers working for corporations don't tend to care about out-of-date hardware, he said. Nowadays, many kernel developers are employed by IT companies, such as hardware manufacturers, which can cause problems as they can mainly be motivated by self-interest.'




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