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微软推出三维立体地图搜索(3-D City Live Search)



微软的三维立体地图终于来了,操作方法和Google Earth差不多,很不同的是,微软将其在浏览器中实现而无须特定的应用程序界面,但其实也是需要在客户端装一大堆东西(Windows image component、.NET Framework 2.0、Virtual Earth客户端)才能实现的。










 CNET科技资讯网 11月7日国际报道 本周一,微软公布了一款可下载的浏览器应用软件,在其在线地图和本地搜索服务中引入了游戏的超逼真性和可操作性。

  在Virtual Earth 3D中,就象在《Second Life 》游戏的虚拟现实环境中一样,用户可以在城市之间、建筑物之间“飞来飞去”。

  微软Virtual Earth 集团的总经理斯蒂芬说,除了真实地“再现”城市的地形外,Virtual Earth 3D中也包含一些现实世界中不存在的东西。

  作为一项试验性广告计划一部分的挂在建筑物上的虚拟广告牌。例如,Fox 的一块虚拟广告牌就挂在旧金山AMC Loews 电影院的建筑物上。参与该计划的其它广告客户包括 尼桑汽车、Zip 房地产、John L. Scott 房地产等公司。


  虚拟广告牌将在线地图服务广告推向了一个全新的水平。目前,其它的地图服务都在地图旁边显示文字广告或在弹出式窗口中显示广告。微软表示,虚拟广告牌广告技术来自它在5 月份收购的Massive。

  Massive 的技术使设计人员能够在3D环境中的任何表面上绘制图像。通过在3 月份收购Vexcel,微软能够创建逼真的“城市”,成本也由100 多万美元降低到了数十万美元。


  为了与Google、雅虎、AOL 争夺搜索市场,微软一直努力在地图服务中获得领先优势。去年晚些时候,微软独家推出了俯视角为45度的地图。

  Sterling Market Intelligence创始人格雷格说,与竞争对手不同的是,Virtual Earth 3D不要求用户在硬盘上下载应用软件,而是直接在浏览器中运行。


  微软还开放了Virtual Earth 3D的API ,使开放人员能够在他们的应用软件和Web 网站中整合搜索功能。




REDMOND, Wash. — Nov. 6, 2006 — Microsoft Corp. today announced U.S. availability of Virtual Earth™ 3D, a new online mapping interface that is part of the Live Search offering, providing consumers with a three-dimensional experience to search, browse and explore the real world online.

When people visit Live Search (http://live.com), type a query into the search box and click the “Maps” tab, they get their search results in a map context that offers the option to explore the area using two-dimensional views (aerial and bird’s-eye) or three dimensional models with Virtual Earth 3D. This new technology compiles photographic images of cities and terrain to generate textured, photorealistic 3-D models with engineering level accuracy.

“By helping people visualize information in far more useful and intuitive ways, Virtual Earth 3D takes search to an entirely new level,” said Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft. “The immersive 3-D experience provides a more powerful and engaging interface that delivers better experiences not only for consumers, but also for developers and advertisers.”

Three-dimensional models are available initially for 15 U.S. cities: San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle, Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Detroit, Phoenix, Houston, Baltimore, Atlanta, Denver, Dallas and Fort Worth. Terrain imagery in 3-D is available globally, and Microsoft expects to offer 3-D imagery in an ever expanding set of cities. Other features provided by Live Search include access to real-time traffic information in select major U.S. cities, and access to business listings “yellow pages” and people listings “white pages” that allows consumers to easily find local information and act on it.

“The release of Virtual Earth 3D is a significant step toward creating a truly new dimension in search not only in the look and feel of the experience but in the way consumers and advertisers can be involved,” said Steve Berkowitz, senior vice president of the Online Services Group at Microsoft. “Local search is one of the fastest-growing categories online today, and adding features like 3-D will only help move the category further ahead and help Windows Live attract more customers and advertisers.”

Advertisements will be available within the Virtual Earth 3D experience. Similar to billboards on the side of roads, virtual billboards will be available throughout Live Search in the 3-D view. The ads available within the Virtual Earth 3D experience are created using a combination of technologies from Virtual Earth, Massive Inc. technology, and the advertising platform from Microsoft® Digital Advertising Solutions. In addition, developers can use the Virtual Earth 3D application programming interface to build these search capabilities into their own applications and Web sites. This and other APIs for Live Search are offered at no cost to developers, with the option to acquire additional support and other benefits through a service-level agreement with Microsoft. Developers can find more information about the Virtual Earth API.

出处: Microsoft Adds 3-D City Models to Live Search: Microsoft Virtual Earth platform powers Live Search and provides a more immersive mapping experience for consumers, enterprises and developers.


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